Revivals - Set of 7 DVDs

Revivals - Set of 7 DVDs

This set of 7 DVDs includes Born Again: George Whitefield, Asbury Revival: Desperate for More, The Great Awakening, David Brainerd, The Azusa Street Project, Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and The Welsh Revivals of 1859 and 1904.

  • Item number: 97168D
  • Media type: DVD
  • Running Time: 374 mins.
  • Region: All
  • Production Year:
  • Producer:


Born Again: George WhitefieldIn the 18th century a spiritual and cultural revolution swept across Great Britain and her American colonies. The marvel of this revolution was the son of a Tavern keeper. Out of these humble beginnings came a powerful voice proclaiming the new birth being ‘Born Again’. Whitefield’s voice startled the church like a trumpet blast. His theatrical persuasion transformed the pulpit into sacred theatre. He took the church outdoors and preached to tens of thousands at a time from Moorfields in London to Boston Common in the American colonies. He lifted his voice to preach to the spiritually starving masses and ignited the Evangelical Revival and the First Great Awakening. Whitefield was the most famous man of his time. He crossed the Atlantic 13 times, preached 18,000 sermons to an estimated 10 million people. He brought about massive social, political, and spiritual transformation in the Transatlantic world with his message of the ‘new birth’ being ‘Born Again’.

Asbury Revival: Desperate for More — Our production team was there during the outpouring and brings you this behind-the-scenes view of what the Holy Spirit was doing--reported directly from students, staff, university administrators, and participants. The outpouring drew people from all over the United States and the entire world, including Brazil, the Philippines, and Singapore to name a few. What the Holy Spirit started at Asbury spread to Samford University, Baylor University, Cedarville University, Texas A&M, Oklahoma Baptist University, Louisiana State University, Regent University, Indiana Weslyan, and in total over 30 other college campuses.

The Great Awakening — Nearly 100 years after the Pilgrim’s landed at Plymouth Rock, the New England colonists had largely traded the Christian ideals of their fore-bearers for the gods of material success. But then the Great Awakening swept through New England and the other British colonies bringing about a powerful spiritual renewal. Through the use of extensive source material, unique still images, and interviews with history scholars, this documentary traces the origins of the Great Awakening and follows its progression throughout the colonies. The DVD celebrates the radical and lasting changes brought about by this movement of God’s Spirit while promoting the need for spiritual awakening in our time.

David Brainerd — Filmed at historical locations throughout the northeastern U.S., David Brainerd: Missionary to the American Indians tells the story of the visionary eighteenth-century missionary whose efforts led to spiritual revival amongst native tribes and inspired generations of Christian leaders to follow in his footsteps. Among the most notable figures influenced by Brainerd was Jonathan Edwards, a key Great Awakening leader who subsequently published Brainerd’s diaries. The documentary features stunning photography and evocative reenactment scenes as well as insightful commentary by experts including John A. Grigg, University of Nebraska - Omaha; Richard Pointer, Westmont College; Linford Fisher, Brown University; and author Brian H. Cosby.

The Azusa Street Project — In 1906, William J. Seymour, a one-eyed black pastor from Louisiana, son of a slave, journeyed by train from Houston to Los Angeles, only to be locked out of the church that sent for him. He turned to prayer and God's answer was The Azusa Street Revival. It shook the foundations of the church, spawned numerous denominations and changed the lives of six million people forever.

Outpouring of the Holy Spirit — A small group of believers earnestly prayed for Revival in England at the beginning of the twentieth century. Little did they know how God would answer that prayer — an answer that would impact the church worldwide. This revival would lead to the birth of Pentecostalism in Britain and awaken people to a new relationship with God.

The Welsh Revivals of 1859 and 1904 — Throughout history there have been times when the light of the Gospel has shone especially bright. The revivals of 1859 and 1904 in Wales stand as powerful examples. This documentary traces the origins of the revival, introduces us to its leaders such as Dafydd Morgan and Thomas Charles Edwards, and follows its lasting impact upon the world and on world missions.

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