Educational Resources

Enjoy these free resources to help you learn, teach, and enrich your understanding of Christian history

Study Christian History

We have compiled information about some of the key events in Christian History, and have arranged it in an easy-to-use format for personal or group study

CHI Productions

Besides Christian History Magazine, CHI has also produced videos, books, and study guides. Check out the full list to find something for your interests.


Site highlights, helpful resources, and discussions on Christian History from the staff and contributors at Christian History Institute.

In context

In Context presents the story behind some of the most notable quotes in Christian History.

Devotionals and Guides

Daily devotional readings and brief guides focused on Christian History for additional meditation and study.

Popes & Patriarchs

This is a list by centuries of popes and patriarchs in the original five patriarchies. This list combines lists found at Catholic websites, at Wikipedia, and at Orthodox wikis.

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