Christian History Magazine #141 - City of Man
How do Christians live as citizens of a fallen world? The question of civic engagement is one that the church has been asking since its earliest days, and this is how it has often answered: This world is not our ultimate home, but we must work for its good while we live in it. Meet the believers who sought to live faithfully in the world without being consumed by it; sometimes by working hand-in-hand with the state; sometimes enduring its persecution. Discover how they did all these things as a way to follow Jesus in this issue of CH.
- Item number: 4911
- Media type: Magazine
- Running Time: 56 pgs
- Region: All
- Production Year: 2021
- Producer:
How do Christians live as citizens of a fallen world? The question of civic engagement is one that the church has been asking since its earliest days, and this is how it has often answered: this world is not our ultimate home, but we must work for its good while we live in it.
This was true beginning with the early, persecuted church, when believers helped not only their own sick and poor, but sick and poor pagans as well. It was true when, after Christianity’s legalization and establishment as the empire’s religion, Augustine described the contrasts between the City of God and the City of Man. It was true when Luther said all manner of occupations could be viewed as a holy calling.
In this issue you will meet Christians of all sorts who sought to live faithfully in the world without being consumed by it. They petitioned elected leaders, voted, ran for office, and administered government; and they also wrote books, practiced medicine, created art, showed hospitality, exposed corruption, raised children, started businesses, and cared for the poor. They worked hand-in-hand with the state at times, and at other times endured the state’s persecution.
And they did all these things as a way of following Jesus by helping to bring the City of Man just a little bit closer to the City of God. Discover their stories in this issue of Christian History.