Letters to the editor

A little spice might be nice

Instead of always doing general surveys of topics in generalized terms (with all articles connected), it seems to me the magazine would be more interesting if you did several in-depth articles in each issue on unrelated subjects. Also, [you should] address some of the controversies in detail, giving both sides. Also getting away from just covering evangelical histories, but the entire spectrum of Christianity, even the cults and heresies. I say that as a conservative evangelical myself. The magazine gets boring after a while.—Dan Tyree, Elizabeth, AR

Thanks for the feedback, Dan, and we’ll keep working on ways to make CH a delight to our readers and a better telling of the full story of the church. I hope we gave you a little of what you were asking for here by covering many aspects of Christian history in one issue! 

Lilias leaves an impression

I’m a subscriber that discovered your publication through enrollment in Christian Leaders College. The school uses some of your articles as required reading for some of their courses such as Christian History. So far, I have received 3 of your issues. I’ve only briefly read through them. However, today I received your latest issue and was intrigued by your coverage of Trotter. I had never heard of her before. I thought it was interesting that she was a missionary, painter, and author. So, I began reading the issue. I cannot put it down! 

What an amazing individual. Her art is breathtaking, her life and mission amazing, but her spiritual writings have me in tears. . . . I had to write down some of the quotes from the excerpts you printed of hers. Thank you so very much for making this issue. Now I’ve got to get her books. I love her message and how she viewed the world and saw God within it all.—Joseph Peter Mills, Defuniak Springs, FL

I’ve been meaning to send a note like this for a long time, and receiving the recent issue on Lilias Trotter has finally prompted me to do it! I’ve been receiving Christian History for many years and I’ve always been so impressed with the aesthetic quality of the issues, in addition to the high-caliber scholarship of the articles. Thank you for all of the effort you’ve invested in these publications. What a pleasure to read.—Jennifer Jesse, Kirksville, MO

Wanted you to know that your Lilias Trotter issue was a great inspiration. As I am preparing to run a Catholic history conference and preparing and editing various papers, I was running dry. Writers need to read—more than they write. Trotter appeared and I read it cover to cover, something rarely done. Many of your pages are covered with green highlighter and gel pen notes in the margins. I’m good now for a few more papers. Also glad to see a mention and striking picture of one of my favorite Catholic saints (canonized last summer) Charles Eugène de Foucauld (Charles of Jesus). His Ignatius biography by Jean-Jacques Antier is a page turner.—Stan Williams, digital subscriber

We were also delighted to learn about the life of this little-known missionary and artist. It quickly rose to become a favorite issue for some of our team too! 

Ancient practices for today?

I enjoy every issue that examines the various facets of an aspect of the theme. I’ve learned so much about the early church and the cultural environment of the times. I’d never before heard an in-depth exploration of the monks and their ministry in the wilderness. I found the explanation of the early church’s strict church discipline something the church today should adopt. If nonbelievers were banned from worship and communion services with Christians evangelizing their communities and teaching the doctrine before admitting them, I doubt there would be so much dissension in the church today. Christians are too willing to negotiate with nonbelievers or those not committed to discipleship.—Wanda Barrett, Bedford, PA

A spiritual balm 

I was just released from incarceration in September ’23 after 21 years. Through most of that time I received Christian History magazine. It was and is a balm of spiritual encouragement. The enclosed gift is a small thank you for CHI’s dedication to historical truth. P.S. Ever thought of doing an issue on ministry to and by Native Americans?

Doug, Indianapolis, IN

Thank you for sharing how CH has ministered to you through the years. We are blessed to be able to send the magazine to many incarcerated individuals, thanks to the generous donations of our subscribers. We also thank you for your topic suggestionwe have it on our list of potential issues. 

By readers and editors

[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #150 in 2024]

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The history of Christian History

What made CH what it is today? Our unique beginnings guide our mission

Chris A. Armstrong and Bill Curtis

The whole story

Bird’s-eye view of 2,000 years of the church, especially in the West.

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Some episodes from the early church

Edwin Yamauchi, William G. Bixler, J. Warren Smith

Last at the cross, first at the tomb

Christian maidens were very numerous.

Catherine Kroeger
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