Famous Quotes from Famous People

The world asks, “What does a man own?”; Christ asks, “How does he use it?”

Andrew Murray — (1828–1917) S. African minister, church leader, writer

“The fellow that has no money is poor. 
The fellow that has nothing but money is poorer still.”

Billy Sunday — (1862–1935) American Revivalist

“If anyone does not refrain from the love of money, he will be defiled by idolatry and so be judged as if he were one of the heathen.

Polycarp (70?–156?) — Bishop of Smyrna

“If a thief helps a poor man out of the spoils of his thieving, we must not call that charity.”

Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) — Italian Poet

“No stigma attaches to the love of money in America, and provided it does not exceed the bounds imposed by public order, it is held in honor. The American will describe as noble and estimable ambition that our medieval ancestors would have called base cupidity.”

Alexis de Tocqueville — (1805–1859) French politician, writer

“Do not give, as many rich men do, like a hen that lays her eggs . . . and then cackles.”

Henry Ward Beecher — (1813–1887) 19th-century American preacher

“Where money is an idol, to be poor is a sin.”

William Stringfellow — Episcopal layman, writer

“As a rule, prayer is answered and funds come in, but if we are kept waiting, the spiritual blessing that is the outcome is far more precious than exemption from the trial.”

J. Hudson Taylor — (1832–1905) English Missionary to China Founder, China Inland Mission

“My life could be over in March . . . because we’re not into agreement to bind Satan’s power and loose the money that God says belongs to us for our needs to be met.”

Oral Roberts — contemporary American evangelist

By the Editors

[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #19 in 1988]

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