Jan Amos Comenius: Recommended Resources

The Angel of Peace, Pantheon Books, New York 1944.

John Amos Comenius on Education, Introduction by Jean Paiget, Teacher’s College Press, Colombia University, New York 1967.

The Labyrinth of the World, National Union of Czechoslovak Protestants, Chicago 1942.

The School of Infancy, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 1956.

Vladimir Jelinek. The Analytical Didactic of Comenius, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1953.

Wilhelmus Rood. Comenius and the Low Countries, Abner Schram, New York 1970.

Matthew Spinka. John Amos Comenius, that Incomparable Moravian, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1943.

G. H. Turnbull. Samuel Hartlib. A Sketch of His Life and His Relations To J. A. Comenius, Oxford University Press, London 1920.

R. F. Young. Comenius in England 1641/2, Oxford University Press, London 1932.

By the Editors

[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #13 in 1987]

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