Indignant at the betrayal of Hus - 1415

Jan Hus on trial at the Council of Constance.
In June 1415, the Council of Constance burned John Hus as a heretic although he had been given safe conduct. The council spoke of Bohemia as a region teetering on the brink of heresy. Bohemians were indignant: Hus’ only significant difference with the church of Rome was his insistence that the laity should be allowed the cup along with the bread at Mass. Bohemia’s nobles met in Prague to prepare a reply to the council. On this day 2 September 1415 they drafted a letter “to the most reverend, the fathers, lords, lord cardinals, patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops, ambassadors, doctors and masters, and the whole council of Constance.” Sixty Bohemian and Moravian nobles signed the complaint.
“Master John Hus was certainly a man excellent, just, and Catholic, for many years spoken of as praiseworthy, in life, conduct, and reputation, in our kingdom. The gospel law, and the books of the prophets, both of the Old and New Testaments, according to the exposition of the holy doctors, and those approved by the church, did he teach and preach in a Catholic manner to us and our subjects; and many of the same things has he left to us in writing, uniformly detesting all errors and heresies, and faithfully admonishing all believers of Christ to detest the same, exhorting to peace and charity, as far as possible by words, writings, and works, so that we never heard, or could learn by diligent inquiry, that the aforesaid Master John Hus taught any heresy or error in his sermons, or preached or asserted the same; neither in any way, by word or deed, did he scandalize us or our subjects, but ever in Christ, living in piety and gentleness, did he exhort all to keep the gospel law, and the institutions of the holy fathers, for the edification of holy mother church, and the salvation of our neighbors; and this he did in word and deed with the utmost diligence….
“Given at Prague, September 2, A.D. 1415, in full council of magnates, barons, lords, and nobles of the realm of Bohemia and the march of Moravia, with the affix of our seals.”
Lutzow, Count. Life and Times of Master John Hus. London: Dent, 1909.