Amending the constitution in favor of Christianity - 1888

Henry W. Blair promoted religious education.
In May 1888, Henry W. Blair, United States senator from New Hampshire, introduced a joint resolution in the United States Senate to amend the Constitution in order to provide for universal education paid from the national purse. The amendment had the support of many moralists and reformers, who especially championed one provision: “Each State in this Union shall establish and maintain a system of free public schools adequate for the education of all children living therein, between the ages of six and sixteen years, inclusive, in the common branches of knowledge, and in virtue, morality, and the principles of the Christian religion.” The Statesman, a magazine associated with the reformers, was delighted with the resolution and printed several letters on the topic. On this day 6 September 1888, John Alexander, the founder of the National Reform Association, published his congratulations on the introduction of the Blair “Joint Resolution,” saying the Association ought to spare no pains to secure its adoption.
“Let us begin without delay the circulation of petitions (to be furnished in proper form by the Association), and let an opportunity be given to all parts of the country to make up a roll of petitions so great that it will require a procession of wheelbarrows to trundle the mighty mass into the presence of the representatives of the nation in the House of Congress. . . . Let a mass convention of the friends of the cause be held in Washington, when the Blair resolution shall be under discussion, to accompany with its influence the presentation of the petitions, and to take such other action as may be deemed best to arouse the nation to a genuine enthusiasm in behalf of our national Christianity.”
Jones, A.T. The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America. 1891.