Endure persecution for Christ’s sake
Today's Devotional
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven — Matthew 5:10 (ESV).
In declaring this blessedness, our Lord is careful to prevent the idea that persecution in itself confers any promise. It only does so when it is “for righteousness’ sake.” The Savior explains his meaning by adding, “When men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake.” It is not necessary to the idea that the persecution should be open and public, as that of a martyr. There is a petty martyrdom, endured day by day in private, for Christ’s sake, which equally may win the crown.
O bountiful Lord Christ, who were yourself persecuted for righteousness’ sake, help me to endure with your meekness whatsoever persecution you call me to sustain for your cause; and grant to me, that partaking your baptism of fire, I rise with you to your crown of glory, to the praise of your effectual grace.
About the author and the source
In the preface to his Thoughts of Christ, Lord Kinloch declared that he had long thought the likeliest mode of combating religious infidelity would be to promote a perception of Christ’s human personality. His Thoughts aimed to do that. He was also the author of the hymn “Mansions for Me” and a judge for the Court of Sessions, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Lord Kinloch (William Penney). Thoughts of Christ for Every Day of the Year. London: Religious Tract Society, n.d.