What is in a blessing?
Today's Devotional
The Lord bless you and keep you —Numbers 6:24 (KJV).
This first clause of the high priest’s benediction is substantially a promise. That blessing which our great High Priest pronounces upon us is sure to come, for he speaks the mind of God.
What a joy to abide under the divine blessing! This puts a gracious flavor into all things. If we are blessed, then all our possessions and enjoyments are blessed; yes, our losses and crosses, and even our disappointments are blessed. God’s blessing is deep, emphatic, effectual. A man’s blessing may begin and end in words; but the blessing of the Lord makes rich and sanctifies. The best wish we can have for our dearest friend is not “May prosperity attend you” but “The Lord bless you.”
It is equally a delightful thing to be kept of God; kept by him, kept near him, kept in him. They are kept indeed whom God keeps; they are preserved from evil, they are reserved unto boundless happiness. God’s keeping goes with his blessing to establish it and cause it to endure.
About the author and the source
Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892) was an eminent and successful preacher who often suffered deep depression. In days of darkness, he clung to God’s promises. One of his most-beloved books consisted of daily readings based on promises that faith could rely upon: The Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith.
Charles H. Spurgeon. The Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith. New York: American Tract Society, n.d