Anselm Wrote Creative Theology and Boldly Defended His Church (1095)
“My fellow Americans From the early days of the colonies, prayer in school was practiced and revered as an important tradition. Indeed, for nearly 200...”
Reagan, Ronald. “Radio Address to the Nation on Prayer in Schools ,” February 25, 1984.
Shrove Tuesday
Alleluia, song of gladness,voice of joy that cannot die;alleluia is the anthemever raised by choirs on high;in the house...
Pope Boniface VIII issues the bull Clericis laicos forbidding the clergy to pay taxes to secular rulers without papal consent.
Authority for the date: Freemantle, Anne. The Papal Encyclicals in their Historical Context. New York: Mentor, 1956.1536
Gentle Anabaptist leader Jacob Hutter (from whom the Hutterites take their name) is hunted down and burned to death in Austria after being tortured, whipped, and immersed in freezing water to mock baptismal practices.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1570
Pope Pius V promulgates a bull of damnation and excommunication against Queen Elizabeth of England and her followers.
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Death in New London, Connecticut, of Samuel Seabury, first bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1862
Death at Hackney, London, of Andrew Reed, a popular Independent minister who founded the London Orphan Asylum, the Asylum for Fatherless Children, the Asylum for Idiots, the Infant Orphan Asylum, and the Hospital for Incurables. He also wrote hymns, such as “Holy Ghost, with light divine” and “Spirit Divine, attend our prayer.”
Authority for the date: Nutter, Charles S. Hymns and Hymn Writers of the Church. Nashville: Smith & Lamar, 19151880
Death of Johann Blumhardt, leader of revival in Germany and founder of Bad Böll, a spa for people with mental, spiritual, and physical ailments.
Authority for the date: Gerretsen, J. H. Memories of Bad Boll.1921
Death in Egersund, Rogaland, Norway, of Lutheran deaconness Elizabeth Fedde who had established a great medical and ministerial work in New York before returning to her homeland.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1928
Azer Ata is ordained monk in Egypt and takes the name Mina after Saint Mina. Eventually, he will become Pope Saint Kyrillos VI (Cyril VI in the Coptic Church).
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An article by Stanley Frodsham in Pentecostal Evangel pays tribute to Swiss-born Paul Bettex, a zealous international missionary who had been assassinated and secretly buried in China fourteen years earlier.
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Sir Leonard Woolley ends his archaeological dig at Ur, having uncovered much information that would help Christians understand the ancient texts of Scripture.
Authority for the date: Biblical Archaeology Review 26#1-60.1940
Death in Palo Alto, California, of Mary Mills Patrick, who had been an educational missionary to Turkey. She had turned a girl’s school into the Constantinople Women’s College and kept it open through two wars and a revolution. Courses she had offered included dentistry and medicine.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1995
Samandar Singh, hired to kill Sister Rani Maria for exposing exploitive money-lending practices, stabs the nun repeatedly in Indore, India. He will serve eleven years for her murder and be "adopted" by Rani Maria's sister, also a nun, who forgives his action.
Authority for the date: