“I believe the Lord knows just what man can do and what man cannot do. And it is a thing self evident to my mind that Goodness and Wisdom has never yet...”
Kline, John. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary, collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk.
Will We Be Able to Create? (1860)
And in the perfect time, O perfect God, When we are in our home, our natal home, When joy shall carry every sacred load,...
Death of Cunegunda, Queen of Bavaria, who had voluntarily embraced humility after the death of her husband, Holy Roman Emperor Henry II. Having entered a convent, she insisted that no one treat her as the empress she had once been, taking the part of a servant and performing the lowest and dirtiest jobs that needed doing.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1556
Roman Catholics drive two hundred Protestants out of Locarno, Switzerland. They find refuge in Zurich with Henry Bullinger.
Authority for the date: Leben 3 No. 1 (Jan-Mar 2997) 17.1589
Death at Strasbourg of Lutheran educator Johannes Sturm, whose emphasis on Latin studies will dominate Protestant educational models long after the Reformation.
Authority for the date: Britannica1913
Valentín Ampuero, Bishop of Puno, Peru, leads two hundred Indians to break into the home of Seventh Day Adventist missionary Frederick Stahl. Finding Stahl gone, they beat schoolteacher Manuel Camacho. The Adventists are jailed on spurious charges, but acquitted by higher courts.
Authority for the date: Orr, Evangelical Awakenings in Latin America1933
Navigators, an evangelical organization, is founded in California, but will not be incorporated for another decade.
Authority for the date: Lang, J. Stephen. The Christian History Devotional: 365 Readings & Prayers to Deepen & Inspire Your Faith&l1947
Joseph Adeyemo Taiwo lays the foundation stone of the Agboye Baptist Church, Oyo. He had a hand in planting this and many other churches for the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.1963
An assembly of priests and lay people from Kenya and Uganda is held in Kampala to reaffirm the particpants’ full support of and attachment to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Authority for the date: http://www.aoiusa.org/greek-orthodoxy-the-ecumenical-patriarchate-and-the-church-in-the-usa/