King Olaf of Norway Used Cruelty to Force Baptisms (1030)
“My dogmatics avails me nothing, nor my knowledge, but I have my faith, and in this I have all.”
Beeke, Joel. “Harman Bavinck.” Banner of Truth.
The time is short (1892)
But this I say, brethren, the time is short — 1 Corinthians 7:29 (KJV). I sometimes feel the thread of life is sle...
Death in Bredon, Worcestershire, of John Prideaux, bishop of Worcester, a leading scholar at the time of the Puritan-Royalist conflict. His leaning toward the Royalists cost him his position, leaving him in poverty when the Puritans prevailed.
Authority for the date: Dictionary of National Biography1685
Robert Barclay petitions that prisoners of conscience be allowed to go overseas rather than remain sequestered in prisons.
Authority for the date: Trueblood, D. Elton. Robert Barclay. New York: Harper and Row, 1968.1791
Death of James Manning, who had been president of Rhode Island College and was well-known for his firm stand against the oppression Baptists suffered in Massachussets and Connecticut.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1833
Death of William Wilberforce, who had done much to end slavery in British possessions.
Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals.1836
Phoebe Palmer rocks her beloved eleven-month-old daughter Eliza to sleep and puts her to bed. Soon afterward, a careless helper has an accident with an oil lamp, severely burning the baby, who dies. In grief, Palmer will be driven to seek God’s face as never before, becoming a leading voice of the American holiness movement.
Authority for the date: Christian History 82 (2004).1861
After days of torture, three Chinese Catholic men are beheaded in Yaojiaguan, Guizhou Province. Joseph Zhang Wenlan, Paul Chen Changping, John Baptist Luo Tingyin. Martha Wang-Luo Mande, a Christian woman, who has followed the men to the execution ground, suffers the same fate.
Authority for the date: Paul Hattaway, China’s Christian Martyrs. p. 941918
Father Florentius Troitsky secretly buries in the parish cemetery the Orthodox priest Platon Gorgonievich Gornykh and two peasants whom the Soviets had executed by firing squad in the woods outside Pokrovskoye.
Authority for the date: Moss, Vladimir. Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia.1945
Death of missionary Robert A. Jaffrey, from dysentery, in a Japanese internment camp. He had led a major effort by the Christian and Missionary Alliance to evangelize China and Southeast Asia.
Authority for the date: Tozer, A.W. Let My People Go.1974
Fifteen hundred people crowd the sanctuary of the Episcopal Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia to witness the illegitimate "ordination" of eleven women in defiance of Episcopalian policy. However, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church will approve the ordination of women a few years later.
Authority for the date:
Burial of Titus Machingo Chondol, a pastor in the Church of Christ in Nigeria, noted for his efforts to evangelize and educate his people. He had planted several churches, formed a youth fellowship and a pastors’ forum, and inspired several young men to enter the ministry.
Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.