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Quote of the day

“Book of Psalms, decorated with elegant capitals, and sufficiently distinguished by its red letters, invented artificially, imprinted and charactered w...”

“Colophon.” American Encyclopaedia of Printing, edited by John Luther Ringwalt. 1871.


Christ commanded us to forgive (1828)

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors —Matthew 6:12 (ESV). By “our debtors” a...



Raymond Lull sails to evangelize Islamic countries.

Authority for the date: Daniel-Rops, Henri. The Heroes of God. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1958.


William Penn is arrested for preaching in the streets. The jurors will refuse to convict him, although a judge will imprison, starve, and abuse them. As a consequence, Penn’s case will set a precedent that Englishmen may not be coerced to return a desired verdict, and rights of religious expression will be extended.

Authority for the date: Peare, Catherine Owens. William Penn: a Biography. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1957.


Death of Benjamin Abbott, American revivalist.

Authority for the date: Encyclopedia Americana, 1956.


Death of Sarah Flower Adams, Unitarian author of the hymn “Nearer, My God, to Thee.” The hymns sung at her funeral were her own, set to music by her sister.

Authority for the date:


Clara Maass, a Lutheran nurse, allows herself to be bitten by a mosquito to test a theory about Yellow Fever. She will contract the disease and die ten days later.

Authority for the date: Britannica.


Peter Ignatyevich Podkorytov (later known as Hierodeacon Micah) is accepted as a monk in the Belogorsk monastery. Thirteen years later the Red Army will arrest him at Iveron monastery and shoot him in Perm.

Authority for the date: Moss, Vladimir. Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia.


Martyrdom of Maximilian Kolbe who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the German concentration camp at Auschwitz, Poland.

Authority for the date: Dewar, Diane. All for Christ: Some Twentieth Century Martyrs. Oxford University Press, 1980.


The Marxist Derg government of Ethiopia murders imprisoned Abuna (Archbishop) Theophilis of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Authority for the date: Wikipedia


Death of Samuel Olaniran Fadeji, who had served as the fourth African head of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. He had been an outstanding educator, revival leader, pastor, and author.

Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.

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