Rome Fell but a Christian Classic Arose (410)
“Certificate of Marriage, 11 Sept. 1656. John Merryday i.e., Meredith and Mrs. Ann Nash, als. Mallet, were married by Coll. Jno. Trussell, according to...”
Brydon, George MacLaren. Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century.
God often calls us to give up our rights (1897)
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone —Phil. 4:5 (ESV). The very test of consecration is our willingness no...
Death of Menas, patriarch of Constantinople. He had been actively engaged in the issues of his day as an opponent of monophysitism and of Origen’s teachings, but was largely subservient to the Roman pope.
Authority for the date: Betz, Hans Dieter, et al. Religion Past and Present.1562
St. Teresa of Avila founds the Discalced (shoeless) Carmelite nuns.
Authority for the date:
The deadline arrives for all British ministers to publicly assent to the Book of Common Prayer. Two thousand Puritans who do not accept this have to vacate their pulpits, becoming known as non-conformists.
Authority for the date: Vincent, Benjamin. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates. Putnam, 1911.1741
After much misery because of his spiritually-lost state, Isaac Backus experiences personal salvation in Christ at the age of eighteen while plowing alone in his fields. In his diary, he records, “I was enabled by divine light to see the perfect righteousness of Christ and the freeness and richness of His grace with such clearness that my soul was drawn forth to trust in Him for salvation. The Word of God and the promises of His grace appeared firmer than a rock, and I was astonished at my previous unbelief.” He will go on to become a Baptist pastor and successful evangelist in New England.
Authority for the date:!__about-us/history1748
William Grimshaw and John Wesley are fiercely attacked at Colne while preaching.
Authority for the date: Ryle, J.C. Five Christian Leaders. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1960.1779
Greek monk Cosmas of Aetolia is martyred by Muslims. He had preached throughout Greece to revive the church and founded over two-hundred schools.
Authority for the date: Cavarnos, Constantine. “St. Cosmas.” Modern Orthodox Saints I. Belmont, MA: Institute for Byzantine and Mo1795
Death of Samuel Stennett. One of the outstanding dissenter (non-Anglican) preachers of his day, he had been a personal friend of England’s King George III. He wrote the hymns “Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned” and “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand.”
Authority for the date: Wells, Amos R. A Treasury of Hymn Stories. Baker, 1992.1894
Alois Majonga Mncadi is sent to Rome to study. He will become only the second black African to become a Catholic priest in South Africa.
Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.1917
Death of Ernest W. Shurtleff, while doing relief work in World War I with his wife. An American Congregational clergyman, he had authored the hymn, “Lead On, O King Eternal.”
Authority for the date:
Beginning of the Second General Council of the Latin American Episcopate. The meeting is held in Medellín, Colombia. It will emphasize elements of newly-developing liberation theology and give special emphasis to the poor.
Authority for the date: History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America