Godly Samson Occom Was Treated as a Performing Animal (1759)
“I saw, moreover, that it was important that I should give them the French some warning of the designs, the arms and the treachery of our enemies, so I...”
Letter and Narrative of Father Isaac Jogues, 1643, 1645. In J. Franklin Jameson, ed., Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664 (Original Narratives of Early American History). NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909.
Effectual prayer requires the Holy Spirit (1865)
Prayer is not a work of nature, but a gift of grace; not attained by human skill and art, but taught and inspired by the...
Repose (death) of Alexander the abbot of Svir. He had led a saintly existence as a hermit and had built a church dedicated to the Trinity.
Authority for the date: http://oca.org1616
An order from a high-ranking Chinese official reaches Jesuits in Nanjing. It encourages arrest and torture of all who will not denounce their faith in the Lord of Heaven. Among its victims are Jesuits Alphonse Vagnoni and Alvarõ Semedo, who will die in prison of torture and starvation.
Authority for the date: Paul Hattaway,China’s Christian Martyrs. p.401637
A synod is called in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to deal with Anne Hutchinson, who is charged with “traducing” (i.e., slandering) the ministry.
Authority for the date: Winslow, Ola Elizabeth. John Eliot; Apostle to the Indians. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1968.1743
Baptism of William Paley, who becomes a famous Christian apologist, noted for his argument of watch and watch-maker.
Authority for the date: Dictionary of National Biography.1900
Boxer rebels in China execute missionaries Willie and Helen Peat, their children and associates.
Authority for the date: Rusten, E. Michael and Sharon O. Rusten. One Year Christian History. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2003.1907
Death of John Joseph Williams, who had been the first Roman Catholic archbishop of Boston.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1916
Evangelist Juan Lugo preaches the first-known Pentecostal message in Puerto Rico. In 1920 he will found Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal in Puerto Rico.
Authority for the date: Bernie L. Wade. Apostolic Faith and Pentecostal Timetable of Key Events (https://issuu.com/charismata/doc