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Quote of the day

“Last evening, for the first time since our first arrival at Kussowrah, we have been allowed to go out to take a walk as the waters completely surround...”

Edwards, William. Personal Adventures During the Indian Rebellion in Rohilcund, Futtehghur, and Oude. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1858.


Christ gives wonderful gifts (1882)

My peace I give unto you —John 14:27 (KJV). Have you ever thought that all that Christ gives to us, he has tried a...



Meletius Pegas becomes the Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria. He will endeavor to reunite the Greek and Coptic churches.

Authority for the date: Wikipedia.


John Eliot is baptized in England. His non-conformist views will eventually prompt him to move to America, where he will found fourteen congregations of Indian Christians, translate the Bible into Algonquin, and help prepare the Bay Psalm Book—the first book printed in America. Captured by Indians, he will learn their language while in captivity.

Authority for the date: Baptism Register of Widforth parish.


Jeronima of the Assumption arrives in Manila, Philippines, with fourteen other Poor Clares to found a female monastery.

Authority for the date: Wikipedia


Death in England of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea, a notable poet and hymnwriter, loyal to King James II. Among her best-known religious poems is “The Atheist and the Acorn,” which depicts an atheist as a fool for trying to outguess God’s arrangements. She had also written a praise hymn beginning, “To the Almighty on his radiant throne / Let endless hallelujahs rise.”

Authority for the date:


Rev. John Cuthbertson, America’s first Scottish Covenanter pastor, arrives in America. His name appears frequently as a genealogical authority because he will keep a log of births and marriages. In it, he records over five thousand family names as well as notes of six hundred marriages and almost two thousand baptisms he performs in the course of seventy thousand miles of ministerial travels.

Authority for the date: Slosser, Gaius Jackson, ed. They Seek a Country. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1955.


Allen B. Freeman, a young man recently graduated from a Baptist seminary, arrives to serve as a missionary in Northern Illinois, but will die of cold and exhaustion in December the following year after his horse collapses under him, forcing him to walk many miles back to Chicago.

Authority for the date: Stockwell, A Better Class of People


Death of Thomas McCrie, Scottish minister and church historian. He and three other divines had left the General Association Synod and formed the Constitutional Association Presbytery. He also wrote biographies of John Knox and Andrew Melville.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


The first assembly of Queen’s College, British Guiana, meets. The school has been established by Anglican bishop William Piercy Austin, a missionary to the South American colony.

Authority for the date:


Scottish missionary Mary Slessor boards the SS Ethiopia to sail to Calabar (Nigeria). She shares the ship with a cargo of liquor.

Authority for the date: Beultmann, A.J. White Queen to the Cannibals. Moody Press, n.d.


Death of Jesse Irvin Overholtzer, founder and first director of Child Evangelism Fellowship.

Authority for the date:


Anuarite Nengapeta takes her vows as a nun in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, becoming Sister Marie-Clémentine. During the Simba Rebellion, two different rebels attempt to force her to marry them, finally stabbing and shooting her when she refuses to break her vows.

Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.

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