Edith Stein Was Gassed at Auschwitz (1942)
“If Gratitude is due from Man to Man, how much more from Man to his Maker The Supream Being does not only confer upon us those Bounties which proceed m...”
Spectator No. 453.
Christ was without sin (1856)
What the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of...
Pope Innocent IV approves Clare’s rule for the Poor Clares.
Authority for the date: New Catholic Encyclopedia.1378
French bishops declare Pope Urban VI’s election invalid because of the mob pressure put on them to elect an Italian pope. However, Urban’s overbearing behavior is the real reason for the action. Thus begins the Great Schism in which two and three popes rule at once.
Authority for the date: Durant, Will. The Reformation.1644
English Parliament orders Roger Williams’s book The Bloudy Tenent to be burned by the public hangman. Bloudy Tenent is an appeal for liberty of conscience against the “bloudy” practice of persecution.
Authority for the date: www.goodreads.com/book/show/30634093-the-bloudy-tenent-of-persecution-for-cause-of-conscience-discussed-i1823
Most of the village of Sarepta, in Asiatic Russia, burns, including buildings of the Moravian mission. However the church and parsonage are spared along with a few other buildings, so that temporary shelter remains for all the inhabitants.
Authority for the date: John O. Choules and Thomas Smith, The Origin and History of Missions. p.1641831
Mary Groves Müller gives birth to a still-born babe. Her husband chides himself for not having more seriously considered the peril of child-bearing so as to pray more earnestly, and acknowledges that he has not rejoiced in the prospect of parenthood as a blessing but rather dreaded it as a burden and hindrance in the Lord’s work.
Authority for the date: Pierson, A.T. George Müller of Bristol.1851
Death of Karl F. A. Guetzlaff, first German Lutheran missionary to China, in Victoria, Hong Kong.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1860
India’s Viceroy to the Queen decides in favor of native Christians, saying they are allowed to draw water from public wells despite agitation by Hindus and Muslims.
Authority for the date: Satthianadhan and Murdoch, Sketches of India1883
Death of Robert Moffat, pioneer missionary to southern Africa. The father-in-law of David Livingstone, one of his achievements was to translate the Bible into the Sechvana language.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1933
Death of hymnwriter William H. Draper at Clifton, Bristol. He had translated into English the hymn “All Creatures of Our God and King” by Francis of Assisi.
Authority for the date: Cyberhymnal.1945
The United States drops an atomic bomb on Urakami (Nagasaki), killing many Christians. One who survived was Fujie. She found her cousin Sojiro so burned she could only guess who he was from the shape of his lips. “Ah, Fujie,” he said. “Take me to the church...I want to confess to the father. I want the sacrament.” After helping him to the priest, she went back to search for her mother but discovered that the elderly woman, who had spent much of her time in prayer, had been vaporized.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1951
Arrest of Jesuit bishop Tsiang Beda of Shanghai. Chinese officials had asked him to head China’s state-run church and he refused. He will die in prison.
Authority for the date: Hutten, Kurt. Iron Curtain Christians. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1967.1970
St. Herman, “Wonderworker of All America,” is glorified with a solemn liturgy at Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral on Kodiak Island, Alaska, with simultaneous rites taking place at other Orthodox centers.
Authority for the date: Episcopal Church. Holy Women, Holy Men.1992
Zareef Moreed Iskander, a Christian building contractor from Beni Khalid, Egypt, is murdered by militant Muslims, who accuse him of working on a church without a building permit.
Authority for the date: Bistawros, Baheg T. The Coptic Christians of Egypt Today Under Threat of Annihilation.