Nothing is too small for God

Cover of Wheeler’s Chimes from by-Gone Years
Today's Devotional
Let your prayers be about the things that really interest you. The more minute and individualizing a prayer is, the more real it will be. You are coming to One to whom the little and the great are all the same. Nothing is below his sympathy, nothing is above his power. And take care, when prayer is gone up, to look up, David-like, and watch for the arrow’s fall. It will fall, feathered with blessing, though the descent and the spot may be very different from what you looked for.”
—The Rev. J. Vaughan.
“Afflictions are blessings when we can bless God for our afflictions. God had one Son without sin, but he never had any without sorrow.”
About the author and the source
Charlotte Bickersteth Wheeler taught English in the 1870s and wrote sentimental novels and evangelistic biographies of relatives who had died. Among her books was Chimes from Bygone Years, a collection of quotes arranged by days of the year and organized by topic. James Vaughan was a nineteenth-century Anglican priest, the incumbent of Christ Church, Brighton. William Dyer (1636–1696) was a seventeenth-century English Nonconformist, author of A Golden Chain for Christians.
Charlotte Bickersteth Wheeler. Chimes from Bygone Years: Thoughts for Daily Reading. London: Elliot Stock, 1878.