God takes pleasure in his people

Cover of Smith’s Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household
Today's Devotional
Every intelligent being has some object in which he takes pleasure, except lost souls. Some take pleasure in their form, some in their wealth, some in their connections, some in their station, some in their office, some in their work, and some in their families. But the Lord takes pleasure in his people. They may be poor, illiterate, despised, oppressed, sick, or sorrowful; but let their circumstances be what they may, the Lord takes pleasure in them. He is pleased with their persons, as he views them in Christ. He is pleased with their services, as they come before him through Christ. He is pleased with their graces, as they center in Christ. He is pleased with them as his chosen ones, as the purchase of his Son’s blood, as the temples of the Holy Spirit, and as those who are to dwell in his presence forever. Whoever may be displeased with the saints, God takes pleasure in them. Beloved, are we among his people? Do we love them, meet with them, and prefer them to all others? Are we united to Christ, living upon Christ, devoted to Christ? O to take pleasure in Jesus today!
About the author and the source
Rev. James Smith was a Baptist preacher and the predecessor of Charles Spurgeon at New Park Street Chapel in London (1841–1850). He wrote a book of morning devotions for the people he pastored. It was so well received he added an evening devotion, and then a book of daily contemplations on short Scriptures, Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household.
James Smith. Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household. London: Thomas Nelson, 1850.