Be encouraged: God is always near

Cover of Garbett’s Morning Dew
Today's Devotional
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him— Hebrews 11:6 (NIV).
He that believes in God as his God, believes God is ever present with him, according to his promises. In the worst times God is present with his people. And can there be any cause of heart-trouble to such souls as have always the presence of God with them, whose presence makes heaven? (Psalm 16:11). Surely, beloved, this will prevent heart-trouble, when a soul can act his faith, and firmly believe it.
God is always present with his people for gracious purposes, not as a mere spectator. He proportions and measures out their afflictions to them, that they may not be above their strength, nor more than they need (1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Peter 1:6). All the afflictions of God’s people are measured by the hand of the most wise, most merciful and gracious God: all the malice of men and devils cannot add a drachm to the weight, nor a drop to the measure, beyond God’s appointment. He is present to order and fix the time of our sufferings; it is an hour of temptation (Revelation 3:10).
It is our loving Father who sets up the hourglass of the time of our troubles; he appoints their beginning, their duration, their end. He holds the glass in his own hand. All the powers on earth cannot bring trouble on us till the hour come, till the appointed time, nor continue our troubles longer than his time. “The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous” (Psalm 125:3). God is present to [grant] some comforts with the cross, to relieve the bitterness of it; present to support the soul with inward strength. “On the day I called, you answered me; you made me bold with strength in my soul” (Psalm 138:3 NASB). God is present to sanctify affliction for good, and at length, in his good time, which is the best time, when he has perfected his own work in his people, he is present for their full deliverance.
About the author and the source
Isabel Charlotte Garbett compiled a devotional of excerpts from Christian writers. For this date she included John Bunyan (1628–1688) author of Pilgrim’s Progress as well as several other allegorical works and an autobiography.
Bunyan, John. “September 7” in Morning Dew, Daily Readings for the People of God, Selected from the Writings of the Choicest Ancient and Modern Divines, compiled by Isabel Charlotte Garbett. Bath: Binns and Goodwin, 1864.