Raise your children wisely

Cover of Bottome’s Crumbs from the King’s Table
Today's Devotional
A foolish son is a sorrow to his mother— Proverbs 10:1.
Alas for the many heavy-hearted mothers! Let us do all we can to spare ourselves this heaviness; and in the first place we should take care that we are not foolish mothers, for foolish mothers are apt to have foolish sons. We must, as mothers, be wise. We must insist on perfect obedience in our children. It can be done calmly, naturally, but it must be done. If a mother cannot get obedience from her children, how can she expect them to obey teachers and those under whose control they will soon be? O mothers, for the sake of the future of your children— for the sake of the days of lightness or heaviness of heart that are before you, train your children to obey you.
About the author and the source
Margaret McDonald Bottome (1827–1906) was an American religious organizer, founder of the King’s Daughters which (after the admission of men and a change of name) boasted half a million members in Canada and the United States within twenty years. She wrote a column in the Ladies’ Home Journal for members and also wrote several books, including the devotional Crumbs from the King’s Table.
Margaret Bottome. Crumbs from the King’s Table. New York: Willis McDonald & Co., 1888.