Little Known Facts about Camp Meetings and Circuit Riders.
Timothy K. BeougherIt is hard to capture the spiritual ferment that shook early America.
Mark GalliWhat exactly happened at the most important camp meeting in American history?
Mark GalliAn eyewitness account of signs and wonders at early camp meetings.
Barton W. StoneDramatic accounts from the frontier’s most popular autobiography.
Peter CartwrightThe common Methodist circuit rider transformed American Christianity.
John H. WiggerWho was who in early American frontier religion.
David GoetzChronology of some important events in American frontier religion.
Keith J. HardmanA look at the radical utopian communities that sprang up across the early frontier.
Bruce L. ShelleyAs revival religion blossomed, so did the independent black church.
Wesley RobertsHow Methodists strengthened the Christian home—and changed it.
Gregory SchneiderFrontier faith captured the heart of the common person—and molded America’s character.
Nathan O. HatchMore resources about Christianity on the American frontier.
Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.My Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
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