What do movements of the spirit have in common?
Michael J. McClymondPentecostal, Charismatic, and Third Wave Revivals of the Twentieth Century
Connie DawsonRevivals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries had global reach and impact
Chris Rogers and the editorsReaders respond to Christian History
readers and the editorsIn some cases God not only revived people, but also revived the earth.
Bill CurtisTheologies of revival may be closer in practice than they are in theory.
Michael J. McClymondThe Azusa Street Revival won hearts amid criticism
Michael J. McClymond and othersA diverse collection of revivalists from the 1800s and 1900s
Charlie SelfRevival movements of the modern era
The editorsWillis Collins Hoover (1858–1936), the founding pastor of the Church of Chile, recorded his stirring account of the 1909 revival in Chile.
Willis Collins HooverHow do Christians align with God in the work of revival?
Learn more about the revivals and spiritual awakenings of the last century or two in these resources recommended by the CH team.
The editors and contributorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Christianity and theater
Stories worth retelling
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories