Little-known or remarkable facts about Christianity during the American Civil War.
the EditorsWhat PBS didn’t tell you.
Kevin A. MillerWhere was God in this brutal national war? An unbaptized non-churchgoer came up with a profound answer.
Mark A. NollHow would Lincoln answer? His political opponent, a famous frontier preacher, wanted to know.
the EditorsLeading people in religion and politics during the Civil War era.
Mark GalliSome people of influence during the Civil War.
the EditorsDespised and often attacked, they courageously carried the slaves’ cause for thirty years. Why have these inescapably Christian men and women been forgotten?
Tim StaffordSelections from the most powerful anti-slavery pamphlet ever written.
Theodore WeldWhen slavery divided America’s churches, what could hold the nation together?
the EditorsAt first, most Civil War soldiers cared little for religion. But as the bloody war dragged on, hundreds of thousands converted to Christ.
Gardiner H. Shattuck, Jr.While carrying tracts to Union troops, one preacher was seized by Confederates as a spy.
Perry Brown - American Tract SocietyChronology of the United States Civil War.
Keith J. HardmanThese Christian generals helped wage the Civil War, and their faith affected how they did it.
Jeffery Warren ScottHe was the Union’s leading general and twice president of the United States. But he was no saint.
the EditorsWhat did Protestant ministers say about the raging national battle?
James H. MoorheadSelections from sermons during the Civil War era. From God Ordained This War: Sermons on the Sectional Crisis, 1830–1865 edited by David B. Chesebrough (University of South Carolina press, 1991). Used by permission.
the EditorsMore resources on Christianity and the Civil War.
Charles Reagan WilsonMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
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