The dynamic growth and unique challenges of modern Chinese Christianity
Jennifer TraftonMissionaries in China were hampered by pressures from home, mistakes in leadership, and identification with the West, but they planted the seeds that would someday yield an astonishing harvest.
Daniel H. BaysChinese evangelist John Sung was a man of tender conscience, constant self-examination, daily repentance, and unremitting pursuit of holiness.
G. Wright DoyleNee had a gift for calling people to a deeper spiritual life.
Yading LiThe birth of an "official" Chinese church helped Christianity thrive in public under political constraints
Ryan DunchThe house-church movement survived persecution and created a surge of Christian growth across China
Tony LambertWang Mingdao tried to build an independent Chinese church
The golden age of Protestantism in China
the editorsChinese Catholics have endured devastating division in the past century
Kim-Kwong ChanEarly missionaries laid the groundwork for mass movements to Christ among the minority peoples of China
Ralph CovellThrough a century of political turmoil and disillusionment, waves of Chinese intellectuals have come to Christ
Stacey Bieler and Carol Lee HamrinA third-generation Chinese Christian describes his journey from persecution to Communism to faith
WithheldMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories