The Industrial Revolution replaced human skills with machine skills all over Europe and America
the EditorsHow Christians dealt with the realities of the Industrial Revolution
Jennifer Woodruff TaitChurches in the nineteenth century were divided on how to reach those affected by the new economy
Janine Giordano DrakeMissionaries worked hand-in-hand with economic interests but sometimes found their efforts being thwarted instead
Jeffrey B. WebbHow social gospelers applied the teachings of Jesus to economic issues
William KostlevyDorothy Day and Peter Maurin worked alongside the poor, inspired by their Christian faith and their economic ideals
Edwin Woodruff TaitChristians responded to the issues caused by a newly mechanized, industrialized world in a host of ways
the EditorsWesleyans in Britain and America helped both the bodies and souls of those the Industrial Revolution left behind
Jennifer Woodruff TaitE. Stanley Jones, Carl F. H. Henry, and Billy Graham called for the church to respond to social and economic realities
Stephen W. RankinChristian social congresses tried to transform the economic order
Clifford B. Anderson and Kenneth Woodrow HenkeGodless capitalists? How Christian industrialists ran their businesses and used their wealth
Jennifer Woodruff TaitCommunal societies influenced by Christian teachings found they could not leave economics behind
Gari-Anne PatzwaldThere is no shortage of resources that recount how industrialization changed the world and how the church responded. Here are a few recommended by CH staff and this issue’s authors to help you navigate the landscape
the EditorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories