In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries a leprosy epidemic spread through Europe
The editorsThe church was more influential in the history of healthcare than you might expect
Chris ArmstrongHow the early church transformed the Roman Empire’s treatment of its sick
Gary B. FerngrenWhile the Romans supplicated their gods and blamed the Christians, believers ministered to their persecutors
The EditorsDespite persecution and the danger of contagion, North African Christians tended plague victims
Cyprian of CarthageHow the Christian hospital evolved from a house of charity that cared for the poor to the medical institution we know today
Timothy S. MillerFrom its roots in the early church to the Reformation and beyond, the Christian effort in medical philanthropy
The EditorsWhat would it have been like to receive care in a medieval hospital?
Jennifer L. Woodruff TaitLepers came to be seen as called by God to a life of meritorious suffering and prayer
The EditorsWhy did the twelfth century bring a wave of new hospitals?
Adam J. Davis, adapted by Chris R. ArmstrongMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories