Remarkable or little-known facts about heresy in the early church.
Tony LaneNot every heresy is covered in depth, and not every teaching is defined thoroughly—there just isn’t space.
Mark GalliWhat exactly happened at the famous Council of Nicea, when the Roman emperor convened some 250 quarreling Christian bishops?
Robert PayneA quick summary of the competing schools of thought.
the EditorsA lot of mistakes were made before the church figured out how best to describe Jesus Christ.
Bruce L. ShelleyKey portions of the church’s most important theological statement.
J. Stevenson and Peter L’HuillierHow the earliest church decided Marcion and the Gnostics, among others, were wrong.
Justo González, Jr.When some early Christians said they had secret apostolic teaching, one church father said, “Not likely.”
Irenaus of LyonThe mixed motives and odd teachings of four notorious heretics.
Stephen MillerHe created controversy when he tried to explain the gospel in terms his culture could grasp.
Kenneth R. CalvertChronology of events related to the early church and heresy.
Bradley NassifIn the Montanist controversy, did the church reject heresy or the Holy Spirit?
Jim SmithIt wasn’t just what Christians believed but also how they lived that concerned early church teachers.
Robert KruppThe hard, technical, theological work on Christ was essentially a 400-year Bible study.
Thomas OdenMore resources for further information on heresy in the early church.
David WrightMy Utmost for His Highest
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