Little-known and remarkable facts about the history of the Bible.
David M. ScholerWhat happened with the Bible before Wycliffe?
Mark GalliThe King James Version was the culmination of 200 turbulent years of Bible translation.
Tony LaneJohn Wycliffe left quite an impression on the church.
Stephen MillerEarly attempts to capture Psalm 23.
Wycliffe Bible (Purvey Edition, 1388)The key players in the history of the Bible haven’t necessarily been popular—or orthodox.
Stephen M. MillerChronology of important events relating to the creation of the English-language Bible.
Philip W. ComfortCould Matthew take shorthand?—and other intriguing reasons the New Testament may have emerged surprisingly early.
Carsten Peter ThiedeExcerpt from a popular writing that some wanted to include in the New Testament: The Shepherd of Hermas.
the EditorsThe process was long and complex, and the result is still a matter of dispute.
Bruce WaltkeThe bizarre stories behind the great Greek manuscripts.
H. G. G. HerklotsCodexes, parchments, scrolls—the shape of early Bibles.
H. G. G. HerklotsHow easy was it for a mistake to enter into the process of copying manuscripts.
Bruce MetzgerThe history of the Bible is mostly the study of documents and so makes for daunting reading.
Mark GalliMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
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