Interesting and unusual facts about Jan Hus and his followers.
Elesha CoffmanHus appeared before the world was ready for him.
Elesha CoffmanJan Hus hoped his incendiary preaching and heated rebukes would purify a tainted church, but the flames consumed him first.
Thomas A. FudgeAs reformation divided Bohemia, it turned some of Hus’s most influential allies against him.
Maartje M. AbbenhuisWith two popes, then three, vying for power, more was at stake in Constance than Jan Hus.
Peter E. ProsserChronology of key events related to Hus and the Hussites.
the EditorsJerome of Prague’s zest for life was surpassed only by his zeal for reform.
Frieda LooserEven in the midst of his campaign for reform, Hus never forgot the faithful flock back home.
Bruce L. ShelleyIn De Ecclesia (The Church) Hus encourages Christians to trust God but question the Church.
Jan HusHus held some of the same ideas as Wyclif and Luther, yet they were not all of one mind.
Timothy GeorgeThe most powerful empire in Europe was no match for a peasant army led by a blind man.
Elesha CoffmanThe integrity for which Hus died lives on among Czech Christians.
conversation with Jan Milic LochmanMy Utmost for His Highest
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