As Shakespeare wrote, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” John Calvin was certainly not born great.
Dr. T.H.L. ParkerYou don’t look to the life of John Calvin for humor, but Calvin’s quest for a wife would make grist for a twentieth-century situation comedy.
William J. PetersenChronology of key events associated with the life of Calvin.
the EditorsWho was who in Calvin's world.
the EditorsUnder Calvin’s influence Geneva became the hub of a vast missionary enterprise.
the EditorsCalvin’s theology and the political order in Geneva inspired movements to democracy.
W. Stanford ReidWhat did Calvin have to say to five colleagues facing execution?
John CalvinResolved to remain obscure, Calvin could not stand his ground with William Farel.
John CalvinSelections From Confession of Faith which all the citizens and inhabitants of Geneva and the subjects of the country must promise to keep and hold.
Council of GenevaHe who is his only Son by nature, makes many sons by grace and adoption.
John CalvinWhat got Calvin riled enough to indulge in biting satire?
John CalvinMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
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