A few opening thoughts about this John Wycliffe issue.
the EditorsEngland was in a time of transition during Wycliffe's lifetime.
the EditorsBiographical feature traces the key events and turning points in Wycliffe’s incredibly diverse life.
Dr. Donald L. RobertsPope Gregory XI condemned Wycliffe five times.
Pope Gregory XIThe 14th Century
The three “estates of the realm ” in medieval England were the priest, the knight, and the laborer. In a tract, written in English, John Wycliffe addressed all three.
John WycliffeWycliffe rejected one common understanding of the Eucharist.
John WycliffeWycliffe’s own explanation of why he translated the Bible into early English.
John WycliffeSome titles to help you research Wycliffe and his times.
the EditorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories