Interesting and unusual facts about Jonathan Edwards
Steven Gertz and Chris ArmstrongOne of the two top contenders for the title “Evangelical Patriarch” is Jonathan Edwards.
Chris ArmstrongEdwards bestowed the riches of Puritanism on a world shaped by the Enlightenment.
the EditorsThroughtout his eventful life, America’s theologian was driven by a vision of the beauty in God’s sovereignty.
Stephen R. HolmesEdwards worried that the strong emotions raised by George Whitefield’s preaching would produce not steady Christians by religious hypocrites.
Chris ArmstrongEdwards modeled himself as theologian, philosopher, and pastor after outstanding figures in each field.
Stephen J. NicholsJonathan spent his life surrounded by beautiful women, and it showed.
Heidi L. NicholsThe claimers and reclaimers of Jonathan Edwards.
Mark NollHeaven’s bliss was among Edwards’s favorite preaching themes.
The heart stirring revivalism of the Great Awakening led Edwards to develop a new religious psychology.
David W. KlingThe famed William James drew on Edwards’s psychology but not his theology.
David W. KlingEdwards’s interest in religious psychology arose from his own almost mystical encounters with God.
David W. KlingWhen a pastor’s irresistible ideals met his congregation’s immovable status-consciousness.
Allen GuelzoCould a person be saved without knowing Christ? Among the Indians, Edwards began to wonder.
Gerald R. McDermottEdwards saw the exuberant goodness of the Creater in every detail of nature.
Stephen J. NicholsJonathan Edwards has much to say to us today, if we can get past his peculiar accent.
George MarsdenMore resources by and about Jonathan Edwards.
Chris ArmstrongMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
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