Little-known or remarkable facts about Martin Luther’s early years.
Herbert K. JacobsenWith Luther, there’s little danger of overdoing his significance.
Kevin A. MillerIn his quest for spiritual peace, Luther had no idea he’d leave his world in turmoil.
Dr. James M. KittelsonWere they caring and firm—or so harsh they drove him to rebel against every authority in his life?
Paul ThigpenThe boy grew up in exciting, harsh, and violent times.
James M. KittelsonWhen, where, and how did Luther make his astounding discovery of justification by faith?
James M. KittelsonAfter Luther published these three works, there was no turning back.
the EditorsChronology of events related to Luther's life and the Reformation.
Ken SchurbIf Luther hadn’t used the new printing technology, would there have been a Reformation?
Perry BrownLuther’s Bible introduced mass media, unified a nation, and set the standard for future translations.
Henry ZecherLuther made plenty of both.
Paul ThigpenThe reformer revolutionized more than people’s views on the church.
Lewis W. SpitzWho said, “A single friar who goes counter to all Christianity for a thousand years must be wrong.”
Paul ThigpenAs a young monk, Luther longed to see Rome. But his 1510 trip to the Holy City filled him with pain and doubt.
Heiko A. ObermanMore resources about Luther and his times.
George S. RobbertMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
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