A Survey of the History of Biblical Interpretation on money and wealth.
John R. MuetherWhat did the early leaders of Christianity think about money's role in their lives? Here's a sampling of opinions from the church fathers.
SelectionsA Paraphrase of Quis Dives Salvandus
Charles Edward WhiteFor Francis, leaving the world meant caring for lepers and praying in deserted chapels.
Dan RunyonThe Reformation overturned the late medieval world, including its views of money.
Carter LindbergA traveling indulgence show had repercussions no one expected.
Randy PetersenIs it a contradiction in terms for a Christian to be rich?
Virgil HartgerinkJohn Chrysostom on the duties of rich Christians to care for the poor.
John ChrysostomCalvin warned of two dangers: extravagance and asceticism.
John CalvinFinney’s concern for his converts extended to their use of money.
Charles G. FinneyHow the “worldly-minded” pursue material possessions rather than God.
Richard BaxterWithout direct appeals for funds, George Müller cared for thousands of orphans.
George MüllerEverybody’s talking about money but few agree. What are they saying, and why?
Randy PetersenWhat is the alternative to free enterprise?
Brian Griffiths.My Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
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