Breaking with Zwingli's reform movement in Zurich, the early Anabaptists clung to their new understanding of Christian commitment, fully aware of the dangerous consequences.
Walter Klaassen, Ph.D.This article condensed and edited from the book by the same title. Used by permission.
Walter KlaassenWho was who in the early Anabaptist world.
the EditorsSixteenth Century Responses to the Anabaptists
John S. OyerA Quarter Century that Lit a Fire…that Spread to All the World!
the EditorsThis story of the Michael Sattler family, the Paul Glock family, and the Klaus von Grafeneck family has never been told before. On the surface, it is not a story at all but two rather isolated Anabaptist events, one in the 1520s involving Michael Sattler and one in the 1550s–70s involving Paul Glock. The courage and spirit displayed in these events, however, touched the lives of the van Grafenecks and make one historical vignette about the witness of dying and living in the spirit of Christ.
Leonard GrossThe slaughter of innocent men and women in the Netherlands only subsided in 1578 when the Dutch provinces established a limited degree of religious toleration.
Joseph S. MillerTwo young women are burned for their faith.
Translated by Miriam Usher Chrisman.Brotherly union of a number of children of God concerning seven articles
John Howard Yoder, translatorContrasting the kingdom of this world with Christ's peaceable kingdom.
Hans SchnellWhere to find more about the Anabaptists and their descendants.
the EditorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories