Introduction to this issue on spiritual awakenings in North America.
the EditorsFascinating facts about revivals in North America.
the EditorsSpiritual awakenings have brought lasting benefits to the Church and the surrounding culture. Have we forgotten our great heritage of renewals?
the EditorsOrigins of American Awakenings in New England & the Middle Colonies.
the EditorsFrom a Sermon by the Reverend Solomon Stoddard, 1712
Solomon StoddardSnapshot of George Whitefield, extraordinary evangelist of the Great Awakening.
the EditorsThe Awakening not only brought spiritual renewal to God’s people, and new conversions, but salt and light to the society around.
the EditorsAn Overview of 180 Years.
the EditorsFrancis Asbury & the Methodist Circuit Riders—Covering America with Spiritual Awakening
the EditorsWhen Finney opened evangelistic meetings in October 1825, he was beginning seven years of the most intense evangelistic activity that the United States has seen.
the EditorsNettleton was a successful evangelist, who saw as many as 30,000 conversions.
the EditorsThe Gospel was meant by God to do more than just get people saved.
the EditorsDuring the Third Great Awakening of 1857 to 1859, 10,000 people in New York City alone gathered together daily—even left work—to pray. The same thing was taking place all over the country, in small towns as well as in great cities.
The EditorsHas the West grown so hardened through humanism and our adoration of material things that we can resist the moving of the Holy Spirit?
the EditorsThe influence of the awakening was felt everywhere in the nation.
the EditorsWhere to find more information of spiritual awakenings.
the EditorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories