Little-known and remarkable facts about Paul and his times.
Marvin R. WilsonIn the edition, you’ll find articles on what it was like to be with Paul rather than on his theology.
Mark GalliPaul of Tarsus crossed all types of barriers to gain followers for Jesus of Nazareth.
James D. Smith IIINearly every significant activity of Jewish life took place in a synagogue.
John McRayWhy did Paul, the traveling missionary, set down roots in Corinth and Ephesus?
Dan ColeFour examples of the pluralistic challenge that Paul faced.
the EditorsWhat happened to the people who worked most closely with him?
Mary Ann JeffreysChronology of important events relating to Paul.
Janet Meyer EvertsHow could Paul communicate his radical message to those threatened by it?
Craig KeenerPaul’s teachings on grace and freedom have shaken the church in every age.
F.F. BruceTo Paul and the early church, religious experiences were commonplace.
Gordon FeeEnthusiasm for racial reconciliation has never been so high among American evangelicals. Why?
Edward GilbreathMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories