Interresting and Unusual Facts about the Council of Nicaea
Steven Gertz, D. H. Williams, and John Anthony McGuckinThe Council of Nicaea Strove to Answer one of the Central Questions of the Christian Faith, but it also Proved that Theology is Never a Tidy Buisiness.
John Anthony McguckinMiscellaneous events of note related to church history.
Compiled by Ted OlsenThe scroll was a thousand years older than any other Hebrew manuscript of the Old Testament.
Joseph L. TraftonMore was decided at the Council of Nicaea than the nature of Christ.
Paul L. MaierDid the Nicene Creed distort the pure gospel, or did it embody and protect it?
D. H. WilliamsKey players in a high-stakes game of politics and theology.
Elesha Coffman and othersFew churchmen have been so entirely embroiled in doctrinal and ecclesiastical disputes as Athanasius.
Patrick Henry RardonWhen it came to determining doctrine, there were limits to an emperor’s power.
Bradley NassifIt took almost 60 years for the church to make Nicaea its standard of faith.
Lewis AyresSelective bibliography.
Steven Gertz and Jennifer TraftonThe people of Armenia, or the part they have played in global Christianity.
Steven GertzMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
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