Try to understand the crusaders in the context of their times.
Mark GalliAs the crusaders assaulted Jerusalem, the holy and savage joined hands.
Mark GalliThe author of On Loving God, also urged Christians to fight for Christ. Here are some excerpts from a letter written in 1147.
Bernard of ClairvauxThe great preachers, planners, and fighters of the Holy Land crusades.
Stephen M. MillerChronology of major events in the crusades.
the EditorsThey innocently headed for the Holy Land, not knowing they would never return.
Steven RuncimanChristians thought they had liberated Jerusalem from infidels. But what did Muslims think?
Hadia Dajani—ShakeelUsama ibn Munqidh was emir of Shizar in the twelfth century, when Christians occupied much of the Holy Land. Here are three accounts of his experience with the clash of cultures.
The devout, combative, and scandalous women who shared in the Crusades.
Ronald C. FinucaneWhether by land or sea, a crusade to the East was difficult and dangerous.
the EditorsIn the new religious orders, Christians blended poverty, chastity, and military fervor.
Michael GerversA historian looks at the causes and lingering effects of Christian warfare.
Jonathan Riley-SmithThe last few decades have seen a resurgence of crusades studies. Here are several of the many fine works available.
James M. PowellMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories