Interesting and unusual facts about the church’s first Bible interpreters.
the EditorsAmong the least-known figures of history are the early church fathers.
Chris ArmstrongWhat we can learn from the church fathers that will enrich our own Bible study.
Christopher A. HallThe reformers wanted their teachings to be in harmony with the church fathers.
the EditorsA century after Christ’s death, a literalist and a spiritualizer forced the church to choose how it would read the Scriptures it inherited from the Jews.
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J.Irenaeus identified the books of the New Testament, then showed the church how they fit with the Old.
Fr. John BehrBy turns bizarre and insightful, Origen’s allegorical forays remain fascinating reading today.
John R. FrankeBy turns bizarre and insightful, Origen's allegorical forays remain fascinating reading today.
John R. FrankeOrigen could not believe the Song of Songs was a hymn to erotic love. So what did it mean?
Warren SmithThe scholars at Antioch rejected allegory in favor of history. But their interpretive method led some into heresy.
Steven GertzTo achieve holiness, believed the early monks, you must soak in the moral sense of the Word.
Patrick Henry ReardonTracing a link from Egyptian monks, Nesteros, Origen, John Cassian, and the Benedictines.
Patrick Henry ReardonThe Cappadocian Fathers brought the best gift of all: a powerful scriptural defense of the Trinity and Christ’s divinity against the Arian heretics.
Edwin Woodruff Tait and Chris ArmstrongThe Church Fathers faced two big questions: “What is Scripture?” and “How should we read it?”
the EditorWhat the church fathers heard in Homer and Virgil tuned them to the harmonies of Scripture.
Christopher A. HallThe West’s foremost theologian offered a single principle by which even the unlearned could unlock Scripture’s meaning.
Gerald BrayWhy he was so fond of spiritual Scripture interpretation.
Christopher A. HallHere are several good guides to early exegesis, along with some of the best editions of the early interpreters’ own writings.
Collin HansenMy Utmost for His Highest
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