Little-known or remarkable facts about early Pentecostalism.
the EditorsPentecostals reached out to the poor, reintroduced many spiritual gifts to the church, and reinvigorated the faith of entire continents.
Mark GalliThe story behind the Azusa Street revival, the most phenomenal event of twentieth-century Christianity.
Ted OlsenThe finished work controversy was Pentecostalism’s first split.
James R. GoffUntil recently, Latinos have been the most overlooked members of the Pentecostal family.
Gaston EspinosaFew have taken the Bible more literally than George Hensley and the snake handlers.
Ted OlsenChronology of the rise of Pentecostalism.
Vinson SynanEvangelicals were none too eager to welcome the Pentecostals.
Grant WackerAimee Semple McPherson was the first Pentecostal to become a national sensation.
Edith L. BlumhoferPentecostalism’s early leaders were as varied as they were dynamic.
the EditorsIn Pentecostalism’s early years it was not unusual to see women preaching, pastoring, and leading.
David G. RoebuckA sampling of ecstatic experiences reported in different eras of church history.
Stanley M. BurgessIt’s not tongues but a different way of being a Christian.
Walter J. HollenwegerMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories