Little-known and remarkable facts about Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation.
the EditorExcept for the last hour of his life, Thomas Cranmer made no heroic stands and lived no radical lifestyle.
Mark GalliThomas Cranmer was the most cautious, even indecisive, of reformers—until his final hour.
Mark GalliWhere was Thomas Cranmer during this unscrupulous chapter in the English Reformation?
Paul AyrisThe English Reformation, more than others, was the work of the principalities and powers.
Don Alban, Jr.Chronology of key events related to Thomas Cranmer.
Rudolph HeinzeWhat was it like to be on the losing side of England’s Reformation?
Dennis MartinIt’s not easy to take a balanced view of doctrines like predestination and Communion—but Cranmer did.
Gerald BrayThe cadences of Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer continue to nurture Christians worldwide.
Roger BeckwithThe distinctive legacy of Thomas Cranmer, and the Anglican “middle way” today.
Alister McGrathResources to assist you in further research on Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation.
John BootyIt scandalized many Christians and made Time magazine—so, like whatever happened to the Jesus Movement?
Jon TrottMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
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