Most of what we know about the early Waldensians comes from the reports of those who wanted to accuse and eliminate them.
the EditorsThe Waldensians from the 12th Century to the Protestant Reformation.
Dr. Giorgio Bouchard.For centuries the Donation was accepted by all, giving the popes great political clout.
the EditorsA Waldensian salesman would make allusion to more precious goods in his possession, to jewels of inestimable value
the EditorsThe Glorious Return of the Waldenses.
Giorgio TournWaldensians and the Modern Era.
Giorgio BouchardThis early document tells in a remarkable and fanciful form the Waldensian story of how the Church had come to compromise with the world. Though The Poor were not around until the 12th century, mention is here made of their presence in the 4th century. They could, however, claim solidarity with ancient Christians who rejected worldly wealth and power.
This letter was sent from Lombardy to Lyons to express the outcome of an early meeting, which was held in Bergamo, Italy, between members of two separate Waldensian groups. Though the two groups differed in their approaches to the life of The Poor, the outcome of the meeting was a “new sense of unity.”
the EditorsThis is an excerpt from a written account of the heresy trial of Filippo Regis. Waldensians were routinely questioned about their knowledge of the elusive barba—the itinerant Waldensian spiritual leaders. Such accounts are often distorted: it is unlikely a barba would have taught to deny the virgin birth, or to deny that “the sons” could perform miracles.
the EditorsAn excerpt from a letter of Waldensian pastor Giovan Paschale, who was hanged in Rome in 1560.
Giovan PaschaleThe Confession of Chanforan, 1532
WaldensiansAdditional resources for those interested in learning more about the Waldenses.
the EditorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
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