Fascinating facts about the Booths and the Salvation Army.
John D. WaldronCatherine Booth took exception to fashionable religion.
Kevin A. MillerWith her bright mind and powerful speaking abilities, Catherine Booth emerged as one of the most influential women in modern religious history.
Norman H. MurdochWilliam Booth was born in economic and spiritual poverty, yet he founded a worldwide organization dedicated to their eradication.
Norman H. MurdochWise and witty words from the co-founder of the Salvation Army.
Catherine BoothCatherine Booth’s firm conviction that women should be free to preach the gospel forever shaped The Salvation Army’s openness to female officers.
Christine ParkinHow a small, East London mission became one of the leading missionary organizations in the world.
E. H. McKinleyThree revivalists from across the Atlantic profoundly influenced the Booths’ theology and mission.
John CouttsChronology of important events related to the Booths and the Salvation Army.
the EditorsTheir struggles and achievements
Norman H. MurdochThe General’s view of sanctification, the kingdom of God, and salvation moved his Army to action.
Roger J. GreenWilliam Booth felt suspicious of organized music groups. Yet he launched a movement that became renowned worldwide for its bands and choirs.
Ronald W. HolzMilestones during the life of William Booth.
Ronald W. HolzExactly one hundred years ago, William Booth published a dramatic, detailed plan for ending unemployment and overcoming poverty.
Norman H. MurdockSelections from William Booth’s bold proposal for eliminating poverty.
William BoothContemporary officers continue the mission of William and Catherine Booth.
Nancy Kressler MurphyThe Booths, their children, and The Salvation Army have all received extensive study, so only a small portion of available works can be listed here.
the EditorsAncient Assistance Against the New Age.
Douglas GroothuisThe Reformer deeply influenced more than one institution.
Martin LutherMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
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