John Oncken Was Baptized Secretly at Midnight to Evade German Law (1800)
“I am not come here for murder, for they have no matter of fact to charge me with, but only my judgment i.e. personal religious views . I am about twen...”
A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ, or, the last speeches and testimonies of those who have suffered for the truth in Scotland since the year 1680. Glasgow: J. Gilmour and Son, etc., 1769.
Sharing soul experiences (1930)
I may say that it seems to me that we really seldom do anybody much good excepting as we share the deepest experiences o...
Death in Palestine of Paula, Jerome’s patron and pupil.
Authority for the date: Cohick, Lynn H. and Amy Brown Hughes. Christ1557
Cardinal Pole leads a cleansing at Cambridge University against the “heretical” preachers Martin Bucer and Paulus Phagius who have both been dead for several years. The sentence excommunicates and anathematizes them and orders their bones be dug out of holy ground and publicly burned. He also interdicts anyone in possession of “heretical” books.
Authority for the date: Foxe, John. Actes and Monuments.1564
In the papal bull Bendictus Deus Pope Pius IV confirms decrees of the Council of Trent that include repudiation of Calvinist and Zwinglian teachings on the Eucharist; affirmation of penance and extreme unction as sacraments; a reaffirmation that tradition is a source of divine revelation; and a declaration that the Vulgate translation is the only authentic Latin version for public use. Trent also abolished the practice of preaching papal indulgences.
Authority for the date: Britannica.1681
Isabel Alison and Marion Harvie are hanged in Edinburgh for their Covenanter beliefs. They sing Psalm 84 on the scaffold. Marion declares the government has no crime such as murder to charge against her but only religious views. The major in charge of the executions orders the hangman to “cast her over” to choke off any further testimony.
Authority for the date:
The Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), a Pentecostal denomination, convenes its first General Assembly.
Authority for the date: Christian History 58 (1998).1936
Death of African revival leader Blasio Kigozi at Kampala, Uganda, of tick fever. Inscribed on his tombstone will be the word zukuka (“awaken”).
Authority for the date: Shaw, Mark. “A Hunger for Holiness.” Christian History 79 (2003).1949
Death in Washington, DC, during the early hours of the morning, of Presbyterian minister Peter Marshall of heart problems at age forty-six. He had been the vibrant and influential chaplain of the United States Senate. His widow, Catherine, will tell his story in A Man Called Peter.
Authority for the date:
Death of George Jeffreys, founder of Elim Pentecostal Churches, at his home in Clapham, England.
Authority for the date: Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals.1992
Mr. Boushra Khaliel, a Coptic Christian in Dairut, Egypt, drops charges against militant Muslims who had beaten him severely with pipes, leaving his right arm paralyzed. He had been warned that if he refused to drop the charges, his family would suffer the same brutality.
Authority for the date: Bistawros, Baheg T. The Coptic Christians of Egypt Today Under Threat of Annihilation.1996
Father L. Bridget and Sister Vridhi Ekka are sentenced to six months rigorous imprisonment for “forcibly converting” ninety-four Indians to Christianity in the Ambikapur, India, district, although they neither lured nor coerced anyone to become a Christian.
Authority for the date: Marshall, Paul and Lela Gilbert. Their Blood Cries Out. Thomas Nelson, 1997.