Ugandan Believers Spoke for Christ in Prison (1978)
“We who have subscribed to this present document having considered the articles herein specified, and as is above mentioned, from the beginning of this...”
Knox, John. History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland.
Learn from Mary
But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19 ESV. There was an exercise, on the...
Pope Innocent I excommunicates Pelagius, writing, “We judge by the authority of Apostolic power that Pelagius and Celestius be deprived of ecclesiastical communion, until they return to the faith out of the snares of the devil....”
Authority for the date: Dogmatic and Polemical Works (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 53).537
Byzantine Emperor Justinian dedicates the magnificent Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople.
Authority for the date: Christian History 74 (2002).1343
Clement VI issues the bull Unigenitus. It officially ratifies the belief that indulgences owe their potency to the pope’s dispensation of the accumulated merits of the Church.
Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.1540
Death at Brescia, Italy, of Angela Merici, who had founded the Order of the Ursulines for the religious training of young girls. In due course (1807), Pope Pius VII will declare her a saint.
Authority for the date: Catholic Encyclopedia.1852
Death of Finnish lutheran lay evangelist Paavo Henrik Ruotsalainen. He had been transformed by the words of a blacksmith who told him he needed Christ’s life in him.
Authority for the date: Arden, G. Everett. Four Northern Lights. Augsburg Publishing House, 1964.