Vikings Wiped out Anskar's Work in North Europe (801)
“Sunday the 8th of September, I went to hear Mr. Walton a local minister of another domination in the forenoon and in the afternoon. After he was done,...”
Bangs, Nathan. A History of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Volume II. New York: T. Mason and G. Lane, 1838; and Lee, Jesse and Minton Thrift. Memoir of the Rev. Jesse Lee: with extracts from his journals. New York: N. Bangs and T. Mason, 1823.
Raise your children wisely (1888)
A foolish son is a sorrow to his mother— Proverbs 10:1. Alas for the many heavy-hearted mothers! Let us do all we...
Massachusetts Puritans found a college, America’s first institution of higher education, in New Towne (Cambridge), just six years after founding the town. Later named for donor John Harvard, the college is intended to train ministers.
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Lutheran missionary Johann Philipp Fabricius arrives in India where he will work among the Tamil people, revising the Tamil Bible and publishing a hymnbook.
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Thérèse of Lisieux pronounces her vows to become a Carmelite nun.
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Pope Pius X announces that modernism is heresy.
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The Russian Orthodox Church convenes a council that elects Sergius as Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’. Because of Communist suppression, the church had been without a patriarch for many years. Needing church support because of the war with Hitler, Stalin had authorized the council, which will also reopen seminaries.
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C. S. Lewis appears on the cover of Time magazine.
Authority for the date:,16641,19470908,00.html1955
Shanghai’s Bishop Ignatius Kung, forty priests, and three hundred lay leaders in the Chinese church are arrested over the course of two days.
Authority for the date: Hutten, Kurt. Iron Curtain Christians. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1967.2012
Release from Iranian prison of Youcef Nadarkhani, originally accused of apostasy for his own conversion from Islam to Christianity; following international outcry, he is charged instead with evangelizing Muslims. Later he will be rearrested and imprisoned along with several other churchgoers.
Authority for the date: Persecuted: the global assault on Christians.