Letters: My Utmost for His Highest

[Above: Recent issues of Christian History]

Learning together

Thank you for the good work that goes into each magazine. The quality of information and authority is impressing and inspirational. God has blessed the Institute with talented folks. I appreciate the excellent foundational material that I can use in preaching and teaching God’s Word. Historical context and perspective are so very important for proper current application. May the Lord richly bless you.—David Rudd, Lacona, NY

Christian History magazine has certainly affected my life in many ways, especially in terms of my own personal growth in faith and spirituality, and my growing knowledge and understanding of the Christian story. As a history buff and enthusiast, both secular and religious for many decades, it never ceases to amaze me that with every issue of Christian History I learn something new or get a different perspective or outlook on any one of the various aspects and dimensions of the Christian tradition and its legacy.—Gary Torres, Poughkeepsie, NY

I am also amazed at how much I learn with every issue. I am so grateful for the knowledgeable scholars who write for CH, our talented team that puts it all together, and our readers who continue to learn with us.—Kaylena Radcliff

More on Macrina

As a very long-standing reader and subscriber of your unique magazine, and owner of every issue (including #9), I’m aware that you receive many requests and suggestions for future issues. I’ve never written in with a suggestion of my own before, but recently became aware of the life and ministry of Macrina the Younger, sister of Gregory of Nyssa. . . . Maybe an issue that focuses on her, but also one that expands and revisits the story of the Cappadocian fathers in more detail would be a possibility? Issue #80 covered them within the broader context of early Bible teachers, but their influence on the theology of the church in later centuries and the Eastern Church in particular could surely deserve its own issue.—Robert Clark, Leatherhead, UK

Thanks for the suggestion, Robert! We’ll keep it in mind. In the meantime be sure to read “Our single object and ambition was virtue” by Megan DeVore in CH #132. This article discusses Macrina and her relationship with the Cappadocian fathers. 

Reflections on outpourings

A friend loaned me a copy of the issue pertaining to revival movements in the modern era. It is truly spectacular. During the 1970s I wrote my doctoral dissertation on a little-known revival movement in Germany during the period of 1815–1848. It was called die Erwecking. My dissertation got out of hand, so to speak. I ended up with a 600-page tome. 

During the 1960s I worked as an itinerant preacher in Germany during part of the great outpouring that followed World War II. I was able to observe and participate in that amazing revival. All of this is to say that I have studied, preached in, and prayed for revival for more than 70 years. It is my prayer that before the Lord takes me to glory, I shall yet experience a revival in the retirement community where I live. We have seen “flickers” of revival, but we still wait for the outpouring. Thank you for your magnificent work in reporting revival worldwide.

Praying for the Spirit to fall on us.—Wayne Detzler 

I am a Bible school professor, minister, author, and reader of CH magazines for many years. Just wanted to let you know how blessed I am by this latest issue on global awakenings. . . . what a blessing it was to me to read the Todd Smith quote on what he termed “the product of revival.” For so long I’ve heard so many who were so excited about so many genuine revivals and awakenings past and present not make this crucial distinction. In my words, their understanding of revival, while genuine and joyful, stops short of understanding what God is really after, what He longs to use revival to achieve—nothing short of a spiritually mature, deeply sanctified, thoroughly tested, distinctly transformed bride of Christ. . . . On another note, I’m thrilled to get the next issue. Oswald Chambers has been a powerful formative agent in my Christian walk for 50 years. 

Bill, may you and the CHI staff have a most peaceful, loving, joyful, and as-commercial-free-as-possible cele­bration of our Lord’s birth! Maranatha; HE comes! Soon!

Greg Hinnant, High Point, NC


By readers and the editors

[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #154 in 2025]

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